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The key to running a successful child care program.

CQEL provides training, support, and advocacy so California child care leaders can sustain and grow their programs.
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Resources, connections, and tools to make your job easier.
Over 1,200 child care leaders have joined since 2013.
Created by a team of child care pros.

CQEL started as a newsletter. Now it's so much more.

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Child care center leaders

We build tools and create resources to make running a child care simpler.

The Director's Forum

Where you can get answers right now

The Director's Forum is our world-class group of directors supporting each other with help and resources. Answers come in just minutes.
Best-in-class support and resources
Created by a team of child care professionals
Loved by over 500 members
The Director's Forum
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What makes CQEL special?

Run by child care pros

We're run by child care directors and owners with hundreds of years of combined experience.

In it together

We're here to help each other through the toughest moments of running a child care.

Here for the long haul

We're funded by hundreds members each chipping in a small amount, so we're here to serve you, and here for the long term.

Getting better with time

As we grow, we add more voices and experts to our community, so members find connections and help faster.
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